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Frank in the Woods Page 12
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Page 12
The Moose Shows his Qualities
A severe storm having set in, rendering hunting or trappingimpossible, the hunters passed a few succeeding days in-doors, andbusied themselves in making a sled and harness for the moose, which,since his capture, had received a large share of Frank's attention. Hehad been hitched to a sled regularly every day, and had been traineduntil he had learned to obey almost as well as a horse. He was verymuch afraid of a whip, and his only fault was a desire to get over theground as fast as possible. Sometimes, when fairly started, it was adifficult task to restrain him. But the boys, far from consideringthis a failing, looked upon it as a quality worth cultivating; andtheir horned horse was always allowed to show off his speed to thevery best advantage.
One morning, after the weather became settled, Archie proposed takinga ride up the creek, to which the others readily agreed. The moose wasbrought from the barn, and after considerable trouble--for the newharness had been made too small--he was finally hitched to the sled.It was their intention to camp in the woods and eat their dinner.After providing the necessary articles, an ax, plenty of ammunition, asupply of coffee, salt, and pepper, a camp-kettle and frying-pan, theysprang into the sled, and waving their hands to Uncle Joe and thetrapper, who stood in the door, watching their departure, they shoutedto their horned horse, which set off up the creek at a rapid pace.
"Let him out now!" shouted Frank to his cousin, who was driving. "Lethim out. We've got all day before us, and let us see how fast he cango."
Archie pulled his cap down over his ears, and commenced shouting tothe moose, which almost redoubled his pace, and whirled them over thesnow at a rate the boys had never seen equaled by a living animal.His gait was an awkward, shambling trot; and as the boys watched hismovements, they could not help laughing outright, whereupon the dogsjoined in the chorus, yelping and barking furiously. This frightenedthe moose, which uttered a loud snort, and throwing back his head, ranfaster than ever; and Archie, who began to fear that he was runningaway with them, pulled and jerked at the lines, but all to no purpose;the moose ran faster and faster, and the boys, who did not pause toconsider the danger they might be in, laughed and shouted until theywere hoarse. At length Frank exclaimed:
"You had better check him up a little. The first thing you know, theconcern will run away with us."
"I believe that is what the rascal is trying to do now," answeredArchie, pulling with all his strength at the reins. "He has got amouth like iron."
"Well, let him go then, until he gets tired," said George; "he can'trun this way all day, and besides, if we are obliged to spend a nightin the woods, it will be no new thing to us. Get up there! Hi! hi!"
Archie, finding that it was impossible to stop the "concern," as Frankhad called it, turned his entire attention to keeping him in thecreek, in which he succeeded very well, until, as they came suddenlyaround a bend, they discovered before them a huge log, lying acrossthe ice. To avoid it was impossible, for the log reached entirelyacross the creek.
"Stop him! stop him!" shouted Harry. "If he hits that log he'll breakthe sled all to smash. Stop him, I tell you!"
"I can't," replied Archie, pulling at the reins.
"Let him go, then," said Frank. "Lay on the whip, and perhaps he willcarry us, sled and all, clean over the log."
This was a desperate measure; but before Archie had time to act uponthe suggestion, or the others to oppose it, they reached the log. Themoose cleared it without the least exertion, but the next moment therewas a loud crash, and Frank, who had seated himself on the bottom ofthe sled, and was holding on with both hands, suddenly arose in theair like a rocket, and pitching clear over his cousin, turned acomplete somersault, and landed on the crust with such force, that itbroke beneath his weight, and he sank out of sight in the snow. Thenext moment he felt a heavy weight upon him, and heard a smotheredlaugh, which he knew was uttered by Archie. The latter regained hisfeet in an instant, and making a blind clutch at his cousin--for hisface was so completely covered up with snow that he could notsee--inquired, as he helped him to his feet:
"Who's this?"
"It is I," answered Frank. "But where is the moose?"
"Gone off to the woods, I suppose," answered Archie. "It's just ourluck. Eh! what? No, he hasn't--he's here, safe."
He had succeeded in clearing his eyes of the snow, and saw the moosestruggling desperately to free himself from the sled, which had caughtagainst the log, and was holding him fast. Frank and his cousin atonce sprang to secure him, and, while the former lifted the sled overthe log, Archie seized the lines, and, in order to render escapeimpossible, made them fast to a tree. By this time George and Harryhad come up, and at once commenced searching about in the snow fortheir weapons, and the others busied themselves in repairing therunners of the sled, both of which were broken. In a short time everything was ready for the start. George volunteered to act as driver,provided the dogs could be kept quiet, and, after a few objectionsfrom Harry, who "didn't like the idea of riding after that moose,"they again set out. Fortunately no one was injured in the least--noteven frightened--the only damage sustained by the establishment beingthe breaking of the runners. Boy-like, they gave not one thought tothe danger they had been in, but amused themselves in laughing at thecomical figures they must have cut, as they all "pitchedhead-over-heels out of the sled together." The dogs, however, did notseem to regard it in the light of an amusing adventure, for they couldnot be induced to enter the sled again. They ran along behind it,keeping at a respectful distance, and the moment the sled stopped, andtheir masters began trying to coax them in, they would retreatprecipitately.
The moose now seemed to have become quieted. Whether it was for thereason that the dogs were kept still, and there was less noise behindhim, or that he had been fatigued by his sharp run, the boys wereunable to decide. He trotted along at an easy gait, but still going asfast as they wished to travel, until Harry announced "that it was halfpast eleven o'clock, and high time that they were looking up a placeto eat their dinner." A suitable spot for an encampment was soonselected, and, after the moose had been unharnessed and fastened to atree, Frank and Harry set out to procure something for dinner, leavingthe others to attend to the duties of the camp.
The Newfoundlander, which accompanied the hunters, was sent on aheadto start up any game that might be in his way. After he had led themabout a mile from the camp, his loud barking announced that he haddiscovered something. The boys hurried forward, and found the dogseated on his haunches at the foot of a tall hemlock, barkingfuriously at something which had taken refuge among the branches.
"It's a bear," exclaimed Harry, as soon as he could obtain a view ofthe animal.
"Yes, so I see," answered Frank, coolly pouring a handful of buck-shotinto each barrel of his gun. "We'll soon bring him down from there.You be ready to finish him, in case I should miss."
"Shoot close, then," answered Harry; "for if you only wound him, hewill prove a very unpleasant fellow to have about."
Frank, in reply, raised his gun to his shoulder, and a loud reportechoed through the woods, followed by a savage growl. The shot was notfatal, for, when the smoke cleared away, they discovered the bearclinging to the tree, apparently none the worse for an ugly-lookingwound in his shoulder.
"Shoot me if the rascal isn't coming down!" exclaimed Harry. "Try theother barrel, Frank, quickly."
It was as Harry had said. The bear was beginning to descend the tree,and his whole appearance indicated that he meant fight. Frank was agood deal surprised at this, for he had great confidence in hisdouble-barrel, and in his skill as a marksman, and had been sanguineof either killing or disabling him at the first shot; but the celerityof the animal's movements proved that his wound did not trouble him inthe least. It was evident that their situation would soon be anything but a pleasant one, unless the other barrel should prove fatal.Frank could not pause long to debate upon the question, for the bearwas every moment nearing the ground, now and then turning to
ward hisenemies, and displaying a frightful array of teeth, as if warning themthat it was his intention to take ample revenge on them. Again heraised his gun to his shoulder, his nerves as steady as if he wereabout to shoot at a squirrel, and carefully sighting the head of theirshaggy enemy, pulled the trigger. The bear uttered another of histerrific growls, and after trying in vain to retain his hold upon thetree, fell to the ground. Brave was upon him in an instant, but thebear, easily eluding him, raised on his haunches, and seized the dogin his paws. One smothered howl came from Brave's throat, and Frank,clubbing his gun, was rushing forward to the rescue of theNewfoundlander, whose death now seemed inevitable, when another chargeof buck-shot, from Harry's gun, rattled into the bear's head, andagain brought him to the ground. Brave was released from his dangeroussituation, and the moment he regained his feet he attacked the bearwith redoubled fury; but the animal easily beat him off, and rushed,with open mouth, upon Frank.
"Run! run!" shouted Harry; "the rascal isn't hurt a bit."
But with Frank, retreat was impossible; the bear was close upon him,and he would have been overtaken in an instant. Bravely standing hisground, he struck the animal a powerful blow, which staggered him foran instant; but, before he had time to repeat it, his gun went flyingout of his hands, and he was stretched, stunned and bleeding, on thesnow. The bear, no doubt, considered him disposed of, for he kept onafter Harry, who, being unable to fire for fear of wounding eitherFrank or the dog, had been compelled to witness the struggle, withouthaving the power of lending any assistance.
The bear had struck Frank a severe blow, which, for a few seconds,rendered him incapable of action; but as soon as he had recovered, heran for his gun, and while he was ramming home the charge, he sawHarry's coat-tails disappearing in a thicket of bushes, and the bear,seated on his haunches, engaged in fighting the dog, which, havingexperienced some pretty rough handling, had learned to keep out ofreach of the dangerous claws.
As soon as Frank had loaded his gun, he hurried forward to put an endto the fight, when a sheet of flame shot out from the bushes, and thebear ceased his fighting, and lay motionless on the snow. A momentafterward Harry appeared, and, upon seeing Frank, exclaimed:
"I've finished the job for him! But he gave you fits, didn't he? Yourface is all bloody. I guess he made your head ache!"
"I guess he did, too," replied Frank. "I tell you, he hit me an awfulcrack. I had as soon be struck with a sledge-hammer."
Fortunately, there were no bones broken. After Frank's wounded headhad been bandaged with his handkerchief, the boys proceeded to removethe skin of the bear, which was the largest of his species they hadever seen. Selecting some of the choice parts of the meat, they thenstarted toward the camp.
Their appearance relieved the anxiety the others had begun to feel attheir prolonged absence. The story of their adventure affordedabundant material for conversation while they were eating theirdinner, which Frank, who had experienced no serious inconvenience fromthe blow he had received, speedily served up; and many were thespeculations in regard to the lecture they would be certain to receivefrom the trapper, for their "keerlessness."
It was nearly four o'clock in the afternoon before the boys startedfor Uncle Joe's cabin. As it promised to be a fine, moonlight night,they were in no hurry. Allowing the moose to trot along at an easygait, they sat in the bottom of the sled, enveloped in furs, amusingthemselves in shouting and singing, when Archie suddenly exclaimed:
"Look there, boys! Now, see me make that varmint jump."
The boys looked in the direction indicated, and saw a large, gauntwolf standing on the bank of the creek, regarding them attentively,and seeming to be not the least concerned about their approach. AsArchie spoke, he raised his gun; but the wolf, as if guessing hisintention, suddenly turned, and disappeared in the bushes.
"Boys," said Frank, "that little circumstance has set me to thinking.Supposing that a pack of those fellows should get after us to-night,wouldn't we be in a fix?"
"That's so," answered the others, in a breath, their cheeks blanchingat the very thought.
"I never thought of that," said Archie. "Hurry up, Harry. Lay on thegoad, and let's get home as soon as possible."
The joking and laughing instantly ceased, and the boys bent suspiciousglances on the woods, on each bank of the creek, over which darknesswas fast settling, and their hands trembled as they reached for theirguns, and placed them where they could be found at a moment's warning.
Harry urged on the moose, intent on reaching the tree where theaccident had happened in the morning, if possible, before dark. Thatpassed, they would feel comparatively safe; for if the wolves shouldovertake them before they reached the tree, escape would beimpossible. The moose shuffled over the snow at a rapid rate, as ifhe, too, knew that they were in danger; but Harry kept him completelyunder his control, and in less than half an hour the tree was insight. After considerable exertion, the sled was lifted over theobstruction, and as the boys resumed their seats, they felt relievedto know that the worst part of the ride had been accomplished; butthey had not gone far when, faintly, to their ears came the sound forwhich they had been waiting and listening--the mournful howl of awolf. The moose heard it too, for, with a bound like a rocket, he setoff on that break-neck pace that had so amused the boys in themorning. But it was far from a laughing matter now. The moose was notrunning from a harmless noise behind him, but from a danger thatthreatened them as well.
Presently the dreadful sound was repeated from another part of thewoods, still distant, but nearer than before. The boys had often heardthe same sound, when seated around their blazing camp-fire, and hadsmiled to think what a momentary horror would seize upon them as thesound first came pealing from the depths of the woods. But they had nocamp-fire to protect them now; nothing but the speed of their hornedhorse and their own bravery could save them.
In a few moments, another and another joined in the hideous chorus,each nearer and more fearfully distinct than the others. The wolveswere closing in behind them from all sides; but with their usualcowardice, were delaying the attack, until a sufficient force could becollected to render an easy victory certain. Up to this time not awolf had been seen, save the one that Archie had first discovered; butin a few moments they could be heard dashing through the bushes oneither side of the creek, and, soon after, the boldest began to showthemselves on the ice behind them.
To describe the thoughts that ran with lightning speed through theminds of the terrified boys were impossible. In spite of the piercingcold, so intense were their feelings of horror, that they were coveredwith perspiration, and every thing they had done in theirlives--minute incidents, long since forgotten--seemed spread outbefore their eyes like a panorama. Rapidly ran the terrified moose;but nearer and nearer came their dreadful pursuers, each momentincreasing in numbers, and growing more bold. The moment was fastapproaching when they would make the attack.
"Let us commence the fight, boys," said Frank, in as firm a voice ashe could command. "We must kill as many of them as we can, before theyclose on us. George, take Harry's gun. Archie, you and I will firefirst. Remember now, no putting two charges into one wolf. Harry, keepon the ice. Ready--now!"
The guns cracked in rapid succession, and the howls which followedproved that the ammunition had not been thrown away. The wolves sprangupon their wounded comrades and commenced to devour them, and Georgeseized the opportunity to put in two excellent shots. During the delaythus occasioned, short as it was, the wolves were left far behind, andthe boys had ample opportunity to load their guns. Harry, althoughgenerally very timid, when he found himself placed in danger, was themost cool and collected one of the party; and it was well that it wasso, for it required all his presence of mind and power of muscle tokeep the moose on the ice. He was struggling desperately, first torelieve himself of the weight of the sled, and, failing in this, hewould make frantic endeavors to turn into the woods. If any part ofthe harness should break, they would be left at the mercy of theirpursuers.
/> Again and again did the fierce animals overtake them, and as oftenwere some of their number stretched on the snow. At length, a loudhurrah from Harry announced that they were nearing home; and a fewmoments afterward, just as the wolves were closing around them again,the sled entered Uncle Joe's "clearing." The noise of purling watersto the desert-worn pilgrim never sounded sweeter than did the sharpcrack of rifles and the familiar voices of the trapper and hisbrother, to the ears of the rescued boys. The inmates of the cabin hadheard the noise of the pursuit, and had rushed out to theirassistance.
The moose was speedily unhitched from the sled, and after the boys hadclosed and fastened the doors of the cabin, they began to breathe morefreely.