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Boy Volunteers with the Submarine Fleet Page 9



  The starting of the heavy machinery was sufficient indication that nighthad come. They were now going up and at an angle which was veryperceptible. The boys had become quite expert in detecting certainactivities, as they tried in every way to understand the use of thesignals. One thing was certain; two sets of bells were brought into playas the signal for changing the motive power. The first signal, threebells followed by two more, was invariably the necessary preparation forthis event.

  A highly pitched bell next gave the signal to stop the gasoline enginesand a deep-toned bell indicated the coupling of the electric motor.Occasionally a new set of signals would resound, which they tried tofigure out. During the night Alfred thought he had found the key.

  "Did you notice the big hand wheel on the side of the upright tank,which we pass as we go into the dining room?" he remarked.

  "That is connected with a large valve," said the captain. "What did youobserve?"

  "Well, did you ever notice that before they rang the shrill bell fourtimes we always have heard a whistle?" asked Alfred.

  "Why, I have heard the bell ring four times on several occasions withoutthe whistle," contended Ralph.

  "So you have, but it was always after the four rings that followed thewhistle. A little while ago I was near the tank, and I heard thewhistle. The attendant sprang to the wheel, and when the four rings camehe turned the wheel around twice. When the four next rings came (withoutthe whistle, of course), he quickly turned it back again," said Alfred.

  "That is the submerging tank," said the captain. "I see you are rapidlylearning how to handle a submarine," and he laughed at the eagerness ofthe boys trying to conquer the details of signaling.

  During that night there was hardly a half-hour but some movement orother was indicated by the bells. They submerged, halted, rose to thesurface, steamed at full speed, and in one or two instances it wasevident from the sudden stopping that the submarine had to reverse.

  This constantly kept them alert, and while engaged in conversation latein the morning, they were thrown forward on their seats with a motionthat indicated a collision with something which was not very rigid, forthere was no concussion such as usually accompanies the contact of thehull of a vessel with a hard object.

  The boys looked at the captain in astonishment. They could now feel thepropeller pulling in the opposite direction, only to be brought backagain with the same springy collision, as when it had gone forward andfirst struck the strange obstacle.

  The captain's face paled, and the boys plied him with questions as theysaw his perturbed countenance.

  "What do you think it is?" asked Ralph, as he saw the anxious seamen,and the second officer rushing about shouting orders, while one of themseized the main valve wheel and turned it.

  "We are caught in one of the steel nets," said the captain quietly.

  The boys' faces grew deadly pale. They knew what such a calamity meant.Few, if any of the submarines caught in the nets, ever escaped. Theboys, while they did not know this, were, in a measure, aware of thegreat danger to submarines from this source. They were alarmedparticularly on account of the serious manner in which the captain actedthe moment the first impact took place.

  The captain now arose, followed by the boys, and marched through thenarrow passageway toward the lieutenant who was leaning over one of theair compressors.

  "Is there anything we can do to help you?" asked the captain.

  The lieutenant looked up and replied: "We can do nothing but change thetrim of the ship. Everything portable in the stern must be movedforward. Your assistance will be appreciated," was the reply, an answerthat was in marked contrast with his former demeanor.

  The lieutenant then quickly detailed four men, who, together with thecaptain and the two boys, were directed what articles to carry forward.In this exercise they found many unexpected nooks and turns. Thearticles removed were mostly ship's supplies, stores, boxes of cannedgoods, drugs in cases, and a lot of tubing. Some of the boxes must havecontained machinery, or mechanical parts, for they were very heavy.

  They were engaged at this work for fully an hour, and the task proved adifficult one, for the passageways were narrow and tortuous, andsometimes it was necessary to move through narrow alleys which ranalmost directly across the ship. Every available bit of space isutilized in these vessels for the operating machinery.

  The entire length of the submarine was 126 feet, and the material had tobe carried a distance of about eighty feet. The lieutenant was in thestern portion, pointing out the articles which should be taken, whilethe sub-lieutenant directed the placing of them in the bow.

  The captain and Ralph were just depositing a load in the hold near thebow, when a peculiar noise was heard, resembling a scraping, raspingsound. Before they had time to turn around, or move from theirpositions, the rear end of the submarine seemed to swing upward,bringing down and scattering among the machinery a choice lot of boxesand parcels.

  A groan followed. Something peculiar had happened,--a thing unique inthe annals of submarining. The vessel, after the peculiar motion, wasquiet, but it was lying at an angle of forty-five degrees. The seamenand the captain hurriedly tried to move back in order to discover whathad happened and from whom the groans proceeded.

  It was hard work, and dangerous, too. Alfred was found pinned betweenthe tanks, and temporarily held by several cases, but, fortunately, hewas not hurt in the least.

  Directly forward of the conning tower stairway the captain now noticedan object, and upon examination it was found to be the lieutenant, whohad been thrown a distance of more than thirty feet through the tangledmachinery. He was unconscious.

  The physician was soon by his side, and a frightful gash was observed onthe right side of the officer's face. Two men nearby were groaning. Onehad a broken leg, and the other several contusions about the head, and,owing to their crippled condition, it was just as much of a task tolower the bodies down into the inclined hold as to walk upward.

  This was finally accomplished, and the lieutenant, with the two injuredmen, were landed in the long compartment, which served as the diningroom.

  The sub-lieutenant was found pinned by some boxes between twostanchions, which had not been distributed and placed within thecompartments. The seaman soon released him; he was not injured in anyway, and now that the lieutenant was in a serious condition, the commanddevolved on him.

  "That motion, if anything, will disentangle us from the nets," said thecaptain, addressing the sub-lieutenant. The latter did not reply, butturned on the captain with a frown.

  "Your opinion is not requested!" he said in a terse manner.

  The captain made a quiet bow and moved toward their small room, the boysfollowing.

  "I am sorry that fellow is in command," said Alfred. "I never liked himfrom the first."

  "I'll bet we were locked up by that fellow's orders, for I don't believethe lieutenant had anything to do with it," remarked Ralph. The captainnodded his head, as he replied: "I knew that from the first day."

  "I'd like to get ahead of him some way," said Alfred.

  The captain looked at the boys for a few moments, then quietly put hishands on their arms, as he said: "Getting ahead, or getting even,doesn't pay, as a rule; but I have known where a few have been able toovercome a great many, as a duty, for that is what makes men strong."

  Alfred's eyes fairly bulged, as he gazed at the captain. "Isn't it aduty to capture this submarine?"

  The captain leaned forward and held up a warning hand. Ralph rose up andglanced around. "Why can't we do it?" he asked.

  "There is only one thing lacking; yes, it has been in my mind from thefirst moment we came aboard, but we cannot do it without weapons. Withthem in our possession we might succeed. Why, if we could have had themthis afternoon it would have been an ideal time to make the attempt,"said the captain.

  "I have something to tell you," said Alfred, as he lowered his voice.
br />   "What is it?" asked the captain.

  "I know where there is a box of revolvers," he replied.

  "Where?" asked the captain, agitated visibly.

  "Do you remember the two big upright drums which I was pinned againstwhen the ship went up?" asked Alfred.

  "Yes," replied the captain.

  "Well, one of the boxes broke open when it came down the passageway, andwhen I saw what was in it I pushed it way under the base of the tank onthe left side," said Alfred.

  "The revolvers are all right, but we may have some trouble in gettingcartridges," replied the captain. "But wait," he continued, "I am sure Icarried cases of them down the passageway."

  "If I am not mistaken, there are several boxes near there,--rather long,slim boxes, are they not?" asked Alfred.

  "Yes; with a red label on the corner," interrupted Ralph. "I can put myhands on a box any minute."

  "Then you are with me and will carefully follow out my instructions?"inquired the captain, looking at them intently.

  "We will follow you in whatever you ask us to do," replied Ralph.

  "You must remember that the business we are about to engage in meanslife or death. Once begun we cannot go back. We have no line of retreat.While it is most hazardous, the feat would be a wonderful one," said thecaptain.

  "No; we are not afraid. Both of us have been in some dangerous placesand have come out all right. We have confidence in you," said Alfredslowly and deliberately.

  "Thank you for that," replied the captain. "We must begin thepreparations at once, for at the present time when all is confusion wecan get the opportunities that may not be offered later on."

  "The boat seems to move," said Alfred.

  A perceptible swaying motion was now observed. The vessel was stilllying at the inclined position heretofore described. As they were aboutto crawl out of their cabin, they heard the voice of the sub-lieutenant:

  "Connect the forward motor!"

  They drew back into the room. "What is that for?" asked Ralph.

  Before the captain could reply came the second order:


  The motor buzzed, but no effect was produced on the boat.

  "That seems singular," observed Alfred.

  "Not at all," answered the captain.

  "Why not?" asked Ralph.

  "The stern of the submarine is out of the water," answered the captain.

  The power was shut off, and again turned on. It was now obvious thatthey were dangling in the water with the prow of the boat held fast inthe entangling nets. As they glanced out the door they could see thefaces of the seamen moving to and fro with terror depicted on theircountenances.

  "They may well fear the results," said the captain. "But we have a dutyto perform, and I might as well advise you of several things which weshould do and observe. We must try to obtain the weapons and ammunition.That will be the first duty. Does either of you know where the electricswitches are?"

  "Yes," answered both of the boys in one breath.

  "I mean the switch in the hold," said the captain.

  "Yes," said Alfred. "The one I mean is close to the dynamo on theswitchboard, behind the steps leading to the conning tower."

  "That is correct," answered the captain. "The control switch for thelighting is in the conning tower, however, and I call your attention tothis, as it may be of service to us in our work."

  "I can see, now, that to keep that in our control would be the mainthing," said Ralph.

  "The officer has not yet given any orders to put the boxes in thepassageways aside, and he will not do so, probably, until they are ableto ascertain whether or not the ship will free itself; under thecircumstances, Alfred, I must delegate you to secure a half-dozen of therevolvers, or remove them from the box so that we can secrete themlater," said the captain.

  As Ralph crawled from the cabin and moved toward the main gangway, thecaptain added: "If you remember where one of the ammunition boxes is youmight smuggle it into this room, but proceed very cautiously."

  Ralph soon made his way back, carrying with him one of the revolvers."There are a dozen in the box," he said, "and I brought one over to showyou. You see, it is the kind from which the cylinder can be removed.Wouldn't it be a good idea to take the cylinders out of all that wecan't use?"

  "Capital idea," said the captain. "If you can find any wire, put itwhere you can quickly place your hands on it."

  "I found a box of ammunition also," continued Ralph, "but I haven'ttried whether it would fit the revolvers."

  An examination revealed the fact that the cartridges were not of thesame calibre. It was, indeed, a terrible disappointment.

  "Here it is," said Alfred, as he slipped into the door of the room.

  "Ah, this is a different size; you have the right ones, fortunately,"said the captain.

  "Now, let me give you a few words as to the next,----"

  A pronounced lurch in the vessel's position interrupted the captain. Theseamen were now rushing around frantically, and talking excitedly.

  "Hold your tongues!" shouted the sub-lieutenant.

  The vessel was, evidently, moving. Occasionally, there would be a heavy,rasping sound, and the rear end of the boat would seem to settle down afew feet.

  "It's coming all right," said Ralph in excitement.

  "Connect forward motor!" again shouted the sub-lieutenant.

  The motor turned smoothly without producing a disturbing influence onthe ship, indicating that the propeller was still in the air.

  "I fear that the sub-lieutenant does not know his business any toowell," remarked the captain.